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Madison Police Arrest Morristown Man Accused of a Strong Armed Robbery


A Morristown man was arrested after police responded to a report of a robbery in Madison.

Madison Police received reports of robbery that had just occurred in the area of Madison Avenue around 6:28 p.m. Monday.

Madison officers responded and met with the 20-year-old victim, who stated that he had just been assaulted and his property was taken from him by force.

The victim advised that he was familiar with one of suspects and he provided a description of both actors involved.

He reported that no weapon was used during the robbery.

Madison patrols canvassed the area and located a vehicle that was determined to be involved with the robbery. The driver of the vehicle was taken into investigative detention and later questioned at headquarters.

The second suspect was located nearby the scene. It was determined that the fight ensued after an agreement to purchase narcotics. After an investigation, Cpl. Vincent Dellavalle arrested Blake R. Brink, 22 of Morristown, and charged him with Robbery and Aggravated Assault, both 2nd degree crimes.

Madison Police also arrested Olivia S. Tevlin, 18 of Scotch Plains, NJ with Conspiracy to commit Robbery and Conspiracy to commit Aggravated Assault, both 2nd Degree Crimes.

Tevlin was released on her own recognizance and Brink was transported to Morris County Jail in lieu of $5000.00 bail.

The victim was transported to Morristown Medical Center for an evaluation for minor injuries. He has since been released.

The investigation is still ongoing and additional charges are forthcoming.

Morris County Sheriff’s Office-Criminal Investigation Section, the Madison Police Division of Investigations assisted in the investigation.