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Madison Thanksgiving Food Drive in Full Swing


The Madison P.B.A. Local 92 and the Madison Police Department will be partnering with Realogy Holdings Corp., Whole Foods Market in Madison, the Madison School District’s Parent Teacher Organizations and Drew University to hold a Thanksgiving food drive ends Sunday, November 1st.

During that period residents may drop off non-perishable food donations at the Madison Police Department on Kings Road, where a portable storage unit has been set up to receive the donations.

Shoppers of Whole Foods Market, located at 222 Main Street, Madison, may purchase food in the store and place the donations in a box set up near the cash registers all month long.

In addition, Whole Foods Market and the Madison P.B.A. will make financial donations towards a shopping trip for the Food Pantry. Off-duty police officers will shop at Whole Foods using the financial donations and focus on the most desperately needed items for the Food Pantry.

If residents do not wish to come to the Police Department to drop off donations, each of the Madison Public Schools will collect food through their respective parent teacher organizations.

Employees of Realogy will make a tremendous contribution towards the effort for the second consecutive year as well. Realogy will conduct a food drive internally among its employees at their headquarters office on Park Avenue in Madison to help brighten the Thanksgiving meals of its neighbors in need.

Finally, Drew University will hold a food drive on campus with employeesand students. University staff will host collection points in their academic buildings and in the Student Center.

The food will be delivered to the Interfaith Food Pantry (IFP) in Morris Plains, where it will be sorted, packed and distributed throughout the month of November to Morris County households. According to Pantry officials, they expect to distribute 1,600+ complete Thanksgiving meals.

Items being sought include instant potatoes, stuffing, roll mix, turkey gravy, canned fruits and vegetables, apple or cranberry juice, roll mix, brownie mix or cake mix and icing, Parmalat or powdered milk, coffee and tea, jello or pudding, salad dressings, condiments such as pickles and olives. Everyday items are also needed such as regular, hearty and low-salt soups and pasta.

The IFP is also accepting donations of fresh and frozen turkeys, chickens and hams at their Resource Center, located at 2 Executive Drive, Morris Plains beginning October 26th.

“Many people do not realize that there are about 50 families in Madison alone that rely on the IFP to feed their families. It may be someone you know – a lot of people are living day to day just barely scraping by. We’re happy to be able to help them make their holidays a little brighter," said Chad Rybka.

For more information, visit our organizations through social media:

• Madison PBA Local 92 Facebook


• Realogy

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• Whole Foods

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For more information about the Interfaith Food Pantry, visit their website at: