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NJ Residents Are Invited to Mental Wellness Webinar on Coping with Anxiety, Uncertainty

Essex County

By: Richard L. Smith 

NJ4S Essex and Family Connections are inviting the public to attend an important Mental Wellness webinar. The Webinar aims to help individuals and families navigate anxiety and cope with the growing stress and uncertainty in today’s world.

Titled "Understanding and Working Towards Mental Wellness for Yourself and Your Family", "the session will focus on strategies to address anxiety, particularly in the context of modern challenges such as active shooter threats.


The free webinar is scheduled for Tuesday, October 29, from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and is open to all.

Participants will gain insights into managing mental wellness with practical strategies to support both personal well-being and their families' emotional health.

Attendees will also have a chance to win an Amazon gift card as part of the event.

To secure your spot, you can register by using the provided QR code or clicking on the registration link.

Link In today’s environment of heightened stress and uncertainty, understanding and addressing mental wellness is more critical than ever.

NJ4S Essex and Family Connections are committed to providing resources and support to help communities navigate these complex emotional challenges.


Don't miss this opportunity to engage in an informative session that could provide valuable tools for maintaining mental health in challenging times.

