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NJ Man Sentenced to 30 Years for Aggravated Explicit Contact of Minor 


By: Richard L. Smith 

A Trenton man has been sentenced to 30 years in state prison for the aggravated explicit contact of a girl, announced Mercer County Prosecutor Angelo J. Onofri.

According to a statement released by Mercer County officials, Taalibdin Shakir, 46, received his sentence from Mercer County Superior Court Judge J. Adams Hughes on May 17.

Shakir was convicted by a jury in August 2023 of first-degree aggravated explicit contact following a two-week trial.

The jury found Shakir guilty of having explicit contact with the victim, who was under the age of 13, in Trenton on June 21, 2022.

Under the No Early Release Act, Shakir is required to serve 85 percent of his prison sentence before becoming eligible for parole.

Upon completing his prison term, he will be subject to Megan’s Law requirements and parole supervision for life.

Mercer County Executive Assistant Prosecutor Timothy Ward and Assistant Prosecutor Christian E. Fisher prosecuted the case for the state.