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Elizabeth Man Charged for Multiple Counts of Explicit Contact with Minors

Union County

By: Najla Alexander 

Authorities in Union County announced that an Elizabeth man has been arrested and charged with explicit contact with two minors in Elizabeth and Kenilworth between 2013 and 2021.

Union County Prosecutor William A. Daniel said Luis Pauta Matute, aka “Don Luis,” 68, has been charged with multiple counts of explicit contact with minors.

According to officials, the charges were for four counts of first-degree aggravated explicit contact, three counts of second-degree explicit contact, and three counts of third-degree endangering the welfare of a child.

Officials say the incident stemmed from referrals to the Union County Prosecutor’s Office Special Victims Unit from the Roselle Police Department in December 2023 and the Kenilworth Police Department in March 2024.

Pauta Matute was arrested on Wednesday, April 10, in Elizabeth and is currently being held in the Essex County Jail pending his detention hearing on Tuesday, April 16, 2024, officials said.

Authorities say this investigation remains ongoing.