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Bergen County Library Hosts Discussion With Artist Mitch Rosen


By: Richard L. Smith 

Artist and author Mitch Rosen discusses "Color Pencil Art" at the Englewood Public Library on Wednesday, May 3, at 7 p.m. in the library's Mackay Room. 


Library officials said the program is free to the public, but registration is encouraged. 

The event will happen on Wednesday, May 3, at 7 p.m. in the library's Mackay Room. Artist, author, and former policeman Mitch Rosen imparts information, technique, and style about making art with colored pencils.

According to library officials, Mitch Rosen is a self-taught artist passionate about vivid realism. Mitch strives to reproduce photographic images in exact detail using colored pencils on paper.

He applies his medium in magnified detail to offer a naturalistic descriptive style.

Library officials said Mitch's objective is to capture a precise moment that creates an emotional tie with the viewer. Mitch generally focuses on New York street scenes depicting somber moments and calm.


In 2018 Mitch's piece, "The Search for Heroes," was accepted and is now a part of the World Trade Center Memorial Museum's permanent collection. Visit the 9/11 tab to view. Mitch's piece "The Terminal Bar" has been proudly displayed in the Port Authority Police Academy in Jersey City, New Jersey.

The piece depicts Officer Patrick Mullally and Sergeant James Romito, who lost his life on 9/11 in the World Trade Center. He will return to the library on Wed—September 6, to discuss his 9/11 experiences and art inspired by that fateful day.

Library officials said a question and answer period would follow the program, as Mitch also discusses his history of working with Color Pencils.

The Englewood Public Library is located at 31 Engle St. The program is sponsored by The Friends of the Englewood Library.