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SWAT Deployment Apart of Newark Strategic Plan Following Buffalo Mass Shooting


The Newark Police Department contributed the following: 

Newark Public Safety Director Brian A. O’Hara has launched a strategic plan to proactively address active shooter incidents in light of the recent mass shooting incident in Buffalo.

“Unfortunately, there are more guns in this country today than people,” Director O’Hara said. 

“And because some individuals illegally possess guns and then use them to wreak senseless violence, it’s essential that we take a proactive stance by deploying members of the Newark Police Division’s SWAT team to quickly provide a strong presence and response to any attacks on our city’s critical infrastructure, businesses, schools, and places of worship,” he added.

As part of this plan, Director O’Hara is establishing increased active shooter trainings, along with “If you see something, say something” trainings, with places of worship, schools and businesses in Newark. 


Further, increased police presence will be provided to these locations within each precinct. 

SWAT personnel will be deployed in small teams and will patrol areas with the potential for large gatherings of people, including supermarkets and in the City’s business districts.

“Typically, our SWAT personnel are utilized in response to an emergency,” Director O’Hara said. 

“But because of the heartbreaking shooting and innocent lives lost in Buffalo and in other U.S. cities in recent incidents, our SWAT teams will be on patrol both day and at night. 
Their primary focus will be to alleviate and quickly respond to gun violence,” he explained.

Active Shooter training includes simulated trainings in schools, businesses and shopping areas.


Police are also undergoing an active shooter refresher course covering topics of safe entry into a location where an active shooter is present, information gathering, room clearing and hallway progression techniques; evacuation techniques; providing medical support to victims, and more.

Director O’Hara urges anyone with information regarding any criminal activity to call the Police Division's 24-hour Crime Stopper tip line at 1-877-NWK-TIPS (1-877-695-8477).  

All anonymous Crime Stopper tips are kept confidential and could result in a reward.

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