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West Orange High School AP Studio Art Student Artists Exhibit at the West Orange Art Center

West Orange

Through an exciting partnership with the Visual and Performing Arts Program at West Orange High School (WOHS), the West Orange Arts Center's (WOAC) latest show features rising stars of our arts community. 

From Saturday, March 5 through Saturday, April 23, the exhibit is open for viewing on Saturdays from 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. 

A reception will take place on Saturday, March 19, from 1 - 4 p.m. at the West Orange Arts Center, 551 Valley Road, West Orange. Panels from the WOHS "Celebrate Pride" mural will also be on view.

On display is the work of Advanced Placement Studio Art Seniors attending West Orange High School. 

West Orange High School Art Show

They include Anna Akerblom, Amelie Eder, Ian Gustavson, Olivia Horne, Michelle Kawior. E.K. Kong, Abigail Nolan, Nia Papamichalaki, and Mariana Simpson. 

The "Celebrate Pride" mural was created in 2021 as a collaboration between WOHS, WOAC, and the Oskar Schindler Performing Arts Center.

"The high school students are looking forward to their first gallery show," Heather Young, AP Studio art teacher, said. "Many are in the process of applying to colleges with an art focus. This group show will enhance their application process."

Metro Media Institute Summer Camp

This is the sixth year of the collaboration (with virtual shows in 2020 and 2021) among WOHS Visual and Performing Arts Director Louis Quagliato and Advanced Placement art teacher Heather Young, WOAC's Frank Niccoletti, and Lisa Suss, who is also the Gaelen Galleries at the JCC MetroWest gallery manager.

The WOHS Arts Program offers a variety of visual and aesthetic art courses. 

West Orange High School Art Show

Students are required to complete two semesters of foundation courses before proceeding to advanced studies like advanced drawing, design, painting, graphics and sculpture. 

After completing the demanding advanced courses, juniors and seniors may enroll in Advanced Placement Studio Art, producing portfolios for college admission and earning up to six advanced placement college credits. 

New this year is a Gallery Host Training Program for the student artists and WOAC supporters coordinated by WOAC gift shoppe manager Liana Torrice, "Gallery hosts will have the opportunity to learn about gallery administration, which includes professionally greeting guests, discussing their artwork, and gift shoppe design management."

"During the past two years, we were still working behind the scenes to keep the arts alive in our community," WOAC chair Patricia Mitrano said. "This exhibit gives us the opportunity to support young local artists and reconnect with each other."

For more information about the West Orange Arts Council and West Orange Arts Center gallery and gift shoppe hours, visit, email or call 862-500-1918.