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West New York Opens Police Department Community Outreach Office

West New York

Mayor Gabriel Rodriguez and the Board of Commissioners, along with the West New York Police Department, are excited to announce the opening of the West New York Police Department Community Outreach Office.

The Community Outreach Office is located at 515 54th Street and will be opening on February 8. 

Headed by Captain Erwin Moreno, the office will serve as a headquarters for community outreach officers while providing residents with another station that will promote safety in West New York.

"Our new community outreach office is an amazing addition to our police force." Mayor Gabriel Rodriguez said. 

"We are extremely proud of bringing our community closer together through the addition of this new office."

The extra presence of police officers and patrol vehicles in the area will heighten vigilance in the area and deter various nuisances while improving the quality of life for residents in the area.

"Our Police Department is constantly working on finding innovative ways to protect and serve the residents of our Town," Mayor Rodriguez said. 

"I would like to especially thank Captain Moreno and our community outreach officers for going above and beyond the call of duty and further uniting our Town."

The goal of the community outreach office is to improve the quality of life in the area while reaching out to our downtown residents.

For more information regarding the West New York Police Department, please call 201.295.5000. 

For more information on Town of West New York news, please visit or call the Mayor's Office at 201.295.5100.