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Belleville School District’s Pink-Out Raises Money, Awareness During Breast Cancer Awareness Month


They hung pink ribbons in classrooms, affixed words of hope and inspiration to bulletin boards and donned pink shirts, hoodies and sweaters.

The students, parents and faculty members turned every hallway, classroom and office in Belleville into a sea of pink.

In many ways, Belleville School District’s sixth-annual Pink-Out on October 22 was the biggest one yet.

Belleville Pink-Out

In all, $6,271.47 was raised for the American Cancer Society.

Belleville holds its Pink-Out each October, at a time when the country observes Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Belleville’s Pink-Out is a way to teach a new generation about a disease that will affect one in eight women in the United States. 

Although many people are unaware that it can also affect men, it is much more prevalent among women.

Belleville Pink-Out

Although breast cancer claims tens of thousands of lives in the United States each year, the annual Pink-Out organized by Chief Engagement and Partnership Officer Diana Kelleher draws its sense of hopefulness from the promise that a cure is not far away and from the strength displayed by those who triumphed over the disease.

“It is amazing to see how our students, their parents and the district’s staff support this event and champion this cause,” Superintendent of Schools Dr. Richard D. Tomko said. 

“I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who was involved, wore pink and donated. We can only hope a cure is right around the corner.”


Photos from the Belleville Public Schools Facebook Page