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UPDATE: Armed Suspects Steal Over $800 From Gas Station Store in Livingston


According to Livingston Police, two masked suspects robbed the Tiger Mart convenience store at 649 South Orange Avenue.

Police said one of the suspects was armed with a handgun which was pointed at the clerk.

According to police, an attendant called in the robbery at the gas pumps who saw the robbery in the store.

When police arrived, employees told officers that the robbers fled on foot towards  East Hobart Gap Road.

Witnesses then told officers the two suspects got into a waiting car which sped off.

No injuries were reported and about $880 was stolen from the store registers.

Both suspects wore tracksuits, one dark in color and the other with a light blue top, police said. 

Anyone in the area and may have witnessed anything is asked to call the Livingston Police Detective Bureau at (973)992-3000.