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Episode 1: Relationships Recap

We did it! Yes, we rolled out our inaugural broadcast of Flying on Broken Wings: Thursday Sidebar with Dr. PGB Hudson! It was nothing short of amazing. It was magical. As they say in show business, “Break a Leg”, and we did.

Our audience signed on and tuned in with patience, excitement, and engagement. And the after-show was great.

Our audience was able to engage with our show guests, Elitia and Cullen Mattox where they had an opportunity to ask the couple more questions about relationships. What an inspiring dialogue. What an incredible evening!

Did you ask how Elitia and Cullen Mattox were received? Well, the comments speak for themselves.

To sum them up, the two were so wildly popular that we plan to have them back in the spring, in a much larger venue and with more time to spend with them.

Now that we have truly gotten our feet wet, we are ready to move to our next exciting show. We are hoping you will hang in there with us and tune in.

In the meantime, now that YouTube has decided to play nice, we are reposting the show from Thursday. In doing so, we invite you to revisit it by clicking on this link which will take you directly to our first show, “Relationships”. Once there, don’t forget to click, like, share, and subscribe.

Until next time, keep flying on your own Wings.