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Gunshot Victim Walks Into University Hospital in Newark


Newark Police officials are investigating a shooting that injured a male in a section of the city Sunday night. 

In the incident, at approximately 10:50 p.m, officials at UIniversity Hospital notified police when a gunshot victim arrived at the emergency room suffering non-life threatening injuries. 

Police said the victim reported being shots but an unknown assailant on Alexander Avenue in the city's West Ward. 

Newark 4th Precinct officers canvassed the scene where the victim said he was shot and launched an investigation. 

The incident closed a violent weekend where, since Friday, about 8 individuals were shot, including four victims caught in a hail of gunfire after heavily armed men randomly fired nearly two dozen rounds of bullet from the sunroof of a vehicle on Chancellor Avenue in Newark's South Ward. 

There were no fatalities in the Chancellor Avenue mass shooting and the suspects in all of the weekend's shootings remain at large.