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Newark Declares State of Emergency for Winter Weather Snowstorm


 Newark’s signed an executive order today declaring a snow emergency in the City of Newark from 4 p.m., Wednesday, December 16, continuing for a minimum of 24 hours, unless extended.

According to the declaration, under the State of Emergency, the City will activate all emergency plans in place to address the impending winter storm; it will ensure that all roads are safe to the public and will tow all abandoned or parked cars if necessary for the protection of the health, safety, and welfare of the public; travel will be limited to avoid creating life-threatening circumstances and to allow for the safe cleanup of the streets.

Residents must adhere to Governor Murphy’s statewide Declaration of Emergency issued earlier today, and all COVID-19 protocols remain in place.

“We have prepared to face the first major storm of this season to protect our residents. I urge all Newarkers to stay safe and informed by following us on social media, checking our website, or watching NWK TV for updates,” said Mayor Baraka.

“Avoid driving during and after the storm, take precautions to keep your homes safe, and check on your neighbors.”

City of Newark government buildings will remain closed tomorrow, Thursday, December 17. Also, due to the storm, all COVID-19 testing sites will be closed tomorrow, except the following St. James Health locations: 332 South 8thStreet (973-245-0060)and228 Lafayette Street (973-789-8111).

Weather forecasters are predicting more than a foot of snow in the Newark area. 

During this time, residents are asked to observe signs reflecting the city’s “No Parking on Snow Covered Roadways” ordinance, which will be enforced. Drivers are advised to use their driveways to park or to park in the following Newark Board of Education lots:

  • North Ward:
    • Barringer High School, 90 Parker Street
    • Rafael Hernandez School, 345 Broadway
    • Technology High School, 187-223 Broadway
  • Central Ward:
    • Camden Street School, 281 Camden Street
  • East Ward:
    • Ann Street School, 30 Ann Street
    • Wilson Avenue School, 19 Wilson Avenue
  • South Ward:
    • George Washington Carver School, 333 Clinton Place
    • Louise A. Spencer Elementary School, 66 Muhammad Ali Avenue
  • West Ward:
    • West Side High School, 403 South Orange Avenue
    • Speedway Academies, 701 South Orange Avenue

For fire safety, flashlights, instead of candles, should be used if there is a power outage. 

The City has activated a “Code Blue” that will run through to Friday, December 18, 2020. “Code Blue” is called when temperatures reach 25°F, or lower without precipitation, 32°F or lower with precipitation, or a wind chill factor of 0° or lower. Residents are reminded of the hazards of extremely cold weather.


  • For area shelters, call the Division of Social/Homeless Services at(973) 877-9484, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or(973) 877-9481after regular business hours. 
  • For all non-emergency weather-related matters, contact the Department of Public Safety at:(973) 733-6000. For emergencies, dial911.