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70-Year-Old Woman Injured After Train Collides with Car in Hackensack


NJ Transit offcials are investgiating a crash that involved a train in Hackensack Wednesday morning.

According to a statement released by Hackensack Fire Department , at approximately 7:50 a.m., a 70-year-old female was traveling east on Clinton Place.

As her Subaru Forester was crossing the train tracks at Linden Street, she entered the tracks a was struck by an NJ Transit train.

Officials said Hackensack Fire Department firefighters extricated the female, who was then transported by ambulance to HUMC with back pain.

According to officials, the injury appeared to be non-life threatening.

Police say the woman reported there was sun glare, which was the possible contributing factor.

No one on the train was injured.

IMAGE CREDIT: Hackensack Fire Department