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Target Recalls Over 122K Cat & Jack Toddler Boots Over Possible Choking Hazard

New Jersey

The company Target recalled two types of Cat & Jack toddler boots after reports that a toggle at the top of the shoe may pose a choking hazard for young children.

The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission said Target has received about five reports of the elastic laces breaking and one report of the elastic laces and toggle breaking, which could become a choking risk for small children if they consume the parts.

No injuries have been reported.

According to The Consumer Safety Product Commission, "Himani" and "Jaren" toddler boots, sold between September 2019 and February 2020, have an elastic lace with a toggle at the top that can be tightened to keep out snow.

Officials said the recall includes several different sizes and colors of the toddler boots. The "Himani" boots being recalled were sold in sizes 5 - 12 and pink and navy.

Officials said the "Jaren" boots being recalled were sold in sizes 5 - 12 and in olive, black with multi-colored polka dots, pink with multi-colored polka dots, and navy with rainbows.

There are no injuries reported.