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VIDEO: Man Caught on Surveillance Camera Pooping Near House in Kearny


Police in Kearny requests the public's help locating a man who discharged feces from his body on the side of a house in the city Saturday morning.

Residents, disgusted by what they saw on the video, told RLS Media that the suspect pulled up in a vehicle and walked over to the side of their Quincy Avenue house then began to take his time and relieve himself.

According to the video, the suspect began defecating on the property at 6:58 a.m. and ended just before 7:07 a.m.

Police believe that the suspect is black or Hispanic and around 55-60-years old.

The video showed that immediately after the suspect pooped on the property, he wiped himself with what appeared to be tissued and drove away from the scene.

If you know who the suspect is, please contact Kearny police.