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Harrison Police Use Facebook to Locate Man Responsible for Shooting Cat with Arrow

Harrison Town

Harrison Police are reporting that a cat was shot and injured with an arrow on July 16.

According to police, units were dispatched to the scenic river walk, located behind 1 Harrison Avenue, to check reports of an injured cat, with an arrow through its body.

Harrison units were unsuccessful in locating the injured cat in the area and the officers resumed their patrol activities.

However, the incident was documented on Facebook through the Harrison Resident Forum page. Upset residents began to comment on the incident and express their disgust for this cruel act.

According to police, Harrison Detectives who monitor the page, read through the comments and reached out to those residents who witnessed or had information regarding the injured cat.

Based on the information supplied by concerned residents, Harrison Police Department Detectives and the departments Humane Law Enforcement Officer were able to identify the person responsible for shooting the arrow and made an arrest.

Police report that Soren Beech, 44, of Harrison was arrested and charged with unlawful possession of a weapon, possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose and the abuse or killing of an animal.

The weapon and arrows were secured by the police and removed from the residence. He was released, pending a court appearance.

There is currently no word on the location or condition of the injured cat.

The Harrison Police Department would like to thank the Harrison residents for their cooperation in this investigation.