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Areas of New Jersey to Experience Heatwave-Like Temperatures in Coming Week

Union County

**By: Katie Briante**

During the week of June 22, New Jersey is predicted to experience high, heatwave-like temperatures.

According to the Weather Channel, Tuesday, June 23, will have temperatures reaching a high of 90 degrees with 61% humidity. Thunderstorms are also expected early in the day.

Wednesday will remain at a high of 90 degrees with the humidity dropping to 53%.

Thursday sees a slight drop in temperature down to 84 degrees with the humidity dropping again to 48%.

Starting the weekend, Friday will creep back up a little to a high of 87 degrees with the humidity hovering around 46%

Saturday climbs back up into the 90s but with the humidity remaining around 48%

**Staying safe in the heat**

When faced with a number of consecutive days of temperatures in the upper 80s and low 90s and relatively high humidity it is important to be vigilant about keeping cool and staying healthy.

Medical professionals recommend to following to stay safe in the hot weather:

Stay hydrated. Sweating keeps your body cool so regularly drinking water throughout the day helps to replace and liquids lost.

Pay attention to your diet. Salt and protein can cause water loss, it's recommended to eat more fruits and vegetables instead.

Stay inside. Avoid being outside when the sun is strongest which is from about 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Wear light clothes. Light-colored and lightweight clothes will help keep your body cooler.

**Face masks in the hot weather**

With the COVID-19 pandemic still happening and related restrictions in place, face masks are still required in most places, however, the heat can make wearing them particularly uncomfortable.

Experts recommend lightweight masks to make them more comfortable for longer periods of time.

They also recommend that you bring multiple masks, in case the one you're wearing gets sweaty.

Additionally, they recommend that you limit your time wearing the mask and only wear it when necessary.