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Senior Residents Can Get a Warm Nutritious Meal at Any Union County Senior Cafe

Union County

As the winter season rapidly approaches Union County, senior residents age 60 and older are reminded that they can receive a warm, nutritious meal at any Senior Café of their choice.

“The Senior Café provides an opportunity for our senior residents to get out and enjoy a nutritious meal as well as educational and social programs,” said Freeholder Chair Bette Jane Kowalski. “The Freeholder Board is proud to support this program.”

All Senior Café lunches include juice or soup, meat, fish, or poultry, potatoes, pasta, or rice, vegetables, a choice of a hot or cold beverage, and is complete with dessert.

The Senior Café has delicious meals designed by a registered dietitian. Each meal is nutritionally balanced to meet the dietary and health needs of mature men and women.

The suggested donation is $1.75 per meal, but for those under age 60, there is a $4.00 fee. All donations collected go directly back to the program to help provide more meals to those in need.

Officials say to reserve lunch, residents are asked to contact the café of their choice at least two days in advance. Lunch is served every Monday through Friday unless otherwise noted.

The Union County Senior Nutrition Program is made possible by a grant from the United States government under the Older American’s Act. The Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders also provides support for the senior Nutrition Program.

For more information and a list of Senior, Café locations, visit or call the Division on Aging toll-free at 1-888-820-8226.

For further information about nutrition programs offered by the Division on Aging, contact Kathleen Malkiewicz by phone at 908-527-4877 or by email at

For information about all services and programs for seniors and their families, visit