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NJ Corrections Police Officer Accused of Providing Contraband to Inmates

Bergen County

Bergen County Prosecutor Mark Musella announced the arrest of Bergen County Sheriff’s Office Correction Officer Jessica SteC, 28, a Bergen County Sheriff’s Office Correction Officer from Elmwood Park.

Bergen County officials say, on September 9, the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office received information that the Bergen County Sheriff’s Office received complaints about Stec’s conduct in the Bergen County Jail.

Officials say subsequent investigation by members of the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office Confidential Investigations Unit and the Bergen County Sheriff’s Office confirmed that information and revealed evidence that Stec obstructed a governmental function and provided contraband to an inmate in the Bergen County Jail.

As a result of the investigation, Jessica Stec was suspended from duty on Friday

The Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office charged Stec with one count of Obstructing Administration Of Law Or Other Governmental Function, is a disorderly persons offense; and one count of Implements For Escape; Other Contraband, in violation of N.J.S.A. 2C:29-6, a petty disorderly persons offense.

Bergen County Prosecutor Musella states that these charges are merely accusations and that the defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, and he would also like to thank the Upper Saddle River Police Department for its assistance in this investigation.