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Lead Filter Tests Confirm Bloomfield Township-Issued Filters Reducing Lead Levels as Expected


BLOOMFIELD, NJ -- Over the past year, the Bloomfield Health Department has been distributing PUR water filters to approximately 3,000 residents. After news broke that some similar filters distributed to residents in Newark had failed to reduce lead levels adequately, Bloomfield Mayor Michael Venezia immediately ordered a test of filters given out in the Township to determine if the same issue was present.

Official say Testing of a sample amount of five filters this week showed that the filters were working as expected, and reduced lead-particles that had built up in the residents’ homes to a level below the federally mandated standard.

“Primarily, these water filters have been given to residents whose homes contain older plumbing faucets and fixtures of pipes, which may allow lead to build up in the home.

We tested our source water and tests showed it had no detectable lead. Water enters our system entirely lead-free,” said Mayor Michael Venezia.

“In all five homes where filters were sampled, the unfiltered water exceeded 15 particles of lead per billion, the threshold the EPA has identified as safe to drink. In all five cases, after being filtered through Township-issued PUR filters, the water dropped to below 15 particles per billion.”

Filters in all five homes reduced the lead particles per billion to single digits. Residents are encouraged to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using these filters, which usually include replacing the filtration cartridge every 2-3 months and never running hot water through them.

The test was performed at 5 locations. All locations were above the 15 ppb level. This week, the Township tested those locations again without a filter, then a second test with a PUR filter. The results are as follows:

**Location 1:** Original Reading 45 parts per billion taken on 6/25/2019

Unfiltered Reading 22 parts per billion taken on 8/13/2019

Using Filter Reading 5 parts per billion taken on 8/13/2019

**Location 2:** Original Reading 18 parts per billion taken on 4/28/2019

Unfiltered Reading 6 parts per billion taken on 8/13/2019

Using Filter Reading 3 parts per billion taken on 8/13/2019

**Location 3:** Original Reading 16 parts per billion taken on 6/25/2019

Unfiltered Reading 36.1 parts per billion taken on 8/12/2019

Using Filter Reading 0.34 parts per billion taken on 8/12/2019

**Location 4:** Original Reading 16 parts per billion taken on 6/22/2019

Unfiltered Reading 4.37 parts per billion taken on 8/12/2019

Using Filter Reading 1.65 parts per billion taken on 8/12/2019

**Location 5:** Original Reading 34 parts per billion taken on 6/27/2019

Unfiltered Reading 1.81 parts per billion taken on 8/12/2019

Using Filter Reading 0.63 parts per billion taken on 8/12/2019

Residents interested in having their water lead levels tested are encouraged to call the Bloomfield Health Department at 973-680-4024 or visit their office at 1 Municipal Plaza, room 111, Bloomfield.