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School Crossing Guard Positions Offered by Union Police

Union Township (Union)

The Union Police Department is now accepting School Crossing Guard Applications for the current school year.


“School Crossing Guards are essential to the safety of our students,” said Suzette Cavadas, Mayor. “Because of the volume of traffic on the streets of Union they are in need now more than ever.”


School Crossing Guards safeguard all pedestrians crossing the street at their assigned posts, with special attention to school children and accompanying parents, and stop traffic to the extent necessary to accomplish this function. 


They are required to be of good moral character, be able to speak, read and write English, and never have been convicted of a criminal offense involving moral turpitude.


Applicants should be residents of the Township of Union, but a waiver of this requirement may be applied for.  No previous training or certification is needed.  Those hired will receive the training through the Township of Union Police Department.


Applications are available 24 hours a day at the front desk of the Union Police Department located at ‪981 Caldwell Avenue, Union, NJ.‬


For more information please contact the Union Police Traffic Bureau between the hours of ‪7:00 AM‬ and ‪3:00 PM, Monday through Friday‬ at ‪(908) 851-5070‬ for more details. 

After business hours, applicants can leave a voice message, with their name and phone number, and someone will return their call the next business day.