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UPDATE: Man Holds Woman Hostage in Newark's North Ward; Situation Continues Through the Overnight


Authorities in Newark are continuing to negotiate with a hostage taker who refuses to surrender since 10 p.m. after holding a woman hostage and keeping police at bay through the overnight hours.

According to preliminary reports, the situation unfolded when a police officer stumbled upon a man who reportedly had a gun pointed at a woman's head in the vicinity of Broadway and Irving Street.

When the officer noticed what was occurred, he attempted to get the man to drop the weapon peacefully, but the suspect refused and walked the woman into the 20's block of Irving Street according to reports.

The officer frantically radioed into dispatch alerting Newark Police officials of what was occurring after he determined that the incident needed immediate attention from SWAT.

A host of law enforcement personnel arrived at the scene and set up a perimeter where a hostage negotiator attempted to get the suspect to put the weapon down and peacefully surrender.

According to reports, the suspect is still holding the woman at gunpoint as of 4:45 a.m.

Police said the suspect is acquainted with the woman. "This was a domestic incident".

**UPDATE 5:31 a.m. Shots fired, suspect down. The suspect reportedly fired on the woman at around 5:27 a.m. SWAT returned fire and struck the suspect. We can only confirm "life-threatening injuries" at this time. The Essex County Prosecutor's Office has been notified. The woman was not injured according to reports.**

**UPDATE 5:47 a.m. Residents are alerting our morning crew that they heard anywhere between 10 popping noises that resembled gunfire at around 5:25 a.m.**

**UPDATE 5:58 a.m. The Essex County Prosecutor's Office will lead the investigation at this point as this is a fatality, with the suspect down at this time.**