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Newark's Brick Avon Principal Honors Several Students During an Awards Ceremony


A Newark Public Schools principal handed out several awards to students during a ceremony that had students, community leaders, teachers and parents in attendance on Thursday.

The Blue Carpet event happened inside the school at 5:30 p.m. where Principal Charity Haygood doled out awards to students who demonstrated more than just academic excellence but celebrated the accomplishment of the students as a whole from grades 3 through 8.

More than 30 honor roll and super honor roll students were presented awards to continue their excellence in the classrooms.

According to the Brick Avon's mission statement, the school is determined to Build Responsible, Intelligent and Creative Kids. Through a globally minded curriculum, extended day program, individualized professional development, and community and family partnerships, BRICK provides students with the opportunity to be college and life ready in an interconnected global society.

Congratulations to the Brick Avon school body and family.