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Registration Opens for Teacher Training Programs at Trailside in Watchung


The Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders is pleased to announce Teacher Training programs at Trailside for teachers K-12. 

“Trailside, located on over 2,000 acres in the ‪Watchung Reservation‬, is a perfect place for teachers to learn new environmentally focused lesson plans and projects,” says Freeholder Chairman Sergio Granados. 

Project WET, a teacher training program for teachers K – 12 will be offered ‪on Thursday March 15 from 9 a.m‬. to ‪3 p.m.‬ This workshop will provide the necessary tools, resources and lessons for teachers to utilize in the classroom to teach about the importance and value of water in everyday life. 

More than 90 interdisciplinary activities and lessons, teacher-tested and classroom ready for K-12 students, are included in the activity guide. Lessons in the guide are correlated to NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards. 

‪Project WILD will be offered to formal and non-formal educators will be held on Wednesday, May 9 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. ‬

‪This workshop assists teachers in teaching math, science, social studies, literacy and art at any grade level.‬

Teachers will acquire new teaching skills and practices that translate into more effective teaching through a multitude of interdisciplinary, hands-on and educational activities, teacher tested and classroom ready for K-12 students.

Project WILD lessons are correlated to NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards, since program has some outdoor time, it is recommended that participants dress appropriately for the weather.

Participants will receive six NJDOE professional development credits for each workshop.

The fee is $20 for each workshop, which includes light morning refreshments, along with the curriculum guide.  It is suggested that participants bring their lunch.

Pre-registration is required for each workshop. Registration is now available online, at  Walk-ins will be welcomed as space is limited.

For more information about these programs or other activities at Trailside, please call ‪908-789-3670‬ or visit ‪Trailside Nature and Science Center‬ is located at ‪452 New Providence Road in Mountainside‬ and is a facility of the Union County Department of Parks and Recreation.