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Meet This Year's Gloucester County Scholarship Awardee

Gloucester County

The recipient of the first annual Michael S. Curwin Memorial Scholarship for a student at the Rutgers University School of Law is Felix Wurmbach.


The Curwin scholarship provides a paid summer internship for a law student interested in pursuing a career as a prosecutor.  Mr. Wurmbach is serving an internship with the Gloucester County Prosecutor’s Office.


The family of the late Michael S. Curwin, who served in the Gloucester County Prosecutor’s Office for 29 years, established a scholarship in his memory at  Rutgers Law, from which Mr. Curwin graduated in 1980. At retirement from the  GCPO as First Assistant Prosecutor in 2014, he had served longer than any assistant prosecutor in the history of the office. He passed away on 10/31/15.


Audrey Curwin, Michael’s wife of 23 years, retired from the GCPO as First Assistant Prosecutor in 2016 after 27 years in the office.


Ron and Eileen Curwin, Michael’s parents, and his brothers Jay, Gary and Steven, established the scholarship.

Photo Caption: (L-R) Felix Wurmbach; Eileen Curwin; Audrey Curwin; Jillian Curwin (daughter of Audrey & Michael Curwin): Ron Curwin; Prosecutor Sean F. Dalton.