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Three Arrested in North Caldwell Home Burglary; Suspects Caught in the Act

North Caldwell

An overnight burglary that happened in North Caldwell had police catch three suspects in the act according to authorities.

The incident happens at a residence in the 20's block of Windridge Drive shortly before 4:30 a.m. where police patrolling the area cam accross a suspicious vehicle parked in front of a house.

Further investigations by two officers had them notice two males and a female exit the house with a TV and other items according to reports.

The suspects were stopped, questoned, and placed under arrest reports said.

One of the suspects was in possession of a loaded .357 gun and drugs authorities said.

There were residence inside the home during the burglary but authorities said no one was hurt as the residents were allegedly sleeping during the incident.

The suspects were Essex County residents (East Orange and Belleville).

The investigation is active and ongoing.