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Women’s History Month: Chief Assistant Prosecutor Danielle S. Buckley was First Prosecutor to Charge Human Trafficking in Atlantic County

Atlantic County

In 2009, Chief Assistant Prosecutor Danielle S. Buckley became the first prosecutor to charge Human Trafficking in Atlantic County, and in 2015, secured the first conviction for Human Trafficking in Atlantic County.

In the latter case, Buckley successfully prosecuted a trafficker who was sexually exploiting 7 different women. In 2015, Buckley handled the very first Petition for Vacatur and Expungement in New Jersey, thereby allowing a human trafficking victim to have her prostitution and prostitution-related convictions vacated and expunged.

Chief Assistant Prosecutor Buckley is currently assigned to the Investigation Section, where she handles cases of Child and Adult Physical and Sexual Abuse, Computer Crimes, Financial Crimes and Human Trafficking. Buckley has served as ACPO’s Human Trafficking Liaison to the NJ Division of Criminal Justice since 2005, and in this regard, has presided over numerous Human Trafficking investigations and prosecutions.

Officials say Buckley is certified by the Attorney General’s Office to teach Human Trafficking, and has used that certification to educate various groups on a national level including: the law enforcement community, child protective services, school administrators, school-aged children, faith-based organizations and various women’s groups on the complex issues surrounding Human Trafficking cases.

Prior to her assignment in Investigations, Buckley was assigned to the Trial Team where she tried a variety of cases including Drugs, Firearms, Assaults, Robberies, Homicide and Promoting Prostitution cases. In that regard, in 2008, Buckley was the first prosecutor in the State of New Jersey to qualify an expert in the area of Promoting Prostitution. She previously served in the Grand Jury and Special Litigation Units.

Prior to joining the Prosecutor’s Office, Buckley clerked for the Honorable John E. Wallace, J.A.D., during his last year in the Appellate Division before his appointment to the New Jersey Supreme Court. Before that, Buckley worked in private practice in Princeton, New Jersey. Buckley received a B.A. in Professional Writing and Journalism from The College of New Jersey and her J.D. from Rutgers University School of Law-Camden.

Chief Assistant Prosecutor Danielle Buckley says a woman who inspires her is Mother Teresa and this quote:

‘I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.’

Thank you Chief Assistant Prosecutor Buckley for your service to Atlantic County and the community.