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Woman Mistakenly Leaves Child in Lyft Vehicle


Police in Elizabeth helped a woman recover a child from a rideshare car that she mistakenly left inside after she was dropped off on Wednesday evening.

In an unusual situation, Elizabeth City Spokeswoman Kelly Martins said the incident happened at approximately 6:40 p.m., where the woman exited the vehicle at a location on Mary Street.

Spokeswoman Martin said the woman realized that she left the sleeping child in the back seat after the Lyft driver drove away from the scene.

The frantic woman immediately contacted the police and told them what occurred, which prompted officers to initiate a search of the area for the vehicle.

Spokeswoman Martin said officers arrived at the scene with the woman and were able to contact the driver of the car who was not aware that the child was inside the vehicle.

The Lyft driver pulled over at a location and waited for police who arrived and checked the baby.

Police then delivered the child back to the mother according to spokeswoman Kelly Martins.

The child did not suffer any injuries and the incident was not considered suspicious, according to spokeswoman Martin.