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Wildwood Crest Man Indicted for Illegal Possession of Gun, Drugs, Criminal Mischief

Atlantic City

Christopher DiAntonio, 20, of Wildwood Crest, was sentenced today to New Jersey State Prison for three separate incidents that occurred between 2020 and 2022.

According to Atlantic County officials, he was sentenced for second-degree Unlawful Possession of a Handgun to five years, where he must serve three and one-half years before being eligible for parole for an incident that occurred on August 12, 2020.

Antlantic Police say, officers responded AtlantiCare to investigate a shooting that occurred within the city limits.

According to Police, after an extensive investigation by the officers, it was determined that while at the Quality Inn, DiAntonio was in possession of a handgun without a permit and shot himself in the leg.

He was also sentenced for third-degree Possession of Cocaine to three years.

Atlantic officials say, on July 14, 2021, police officers observed DiAntonio engaged in an open-air drug market in front of 1542 Atlantic Avenue.

Police recovered three grams of cocaine from the defendant’s pants pocket.

Finally, he was sentenced for third-degree Criminal Mischief to three years. 

On May 20, while housed in the Atlantic County Justice Facility pending resolution of the above charges, DiAntonio purposely tampered with the sprinkler system at the jail flooding his cell