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UPDATE: Teen who Jumped From Nutley Bridge Identified as Bloomfield High School Girl

Nutley Bloomfield

A teenage girl who state police said fell from a bridge late Friday evening has been identified by her family as a Bloomfield High School student.

In a statement released to RLS Metro Breaking News, family members identified the girl as 15-year-old Eva Smith a 10th grader at the high school who they said suffered depression and apparently committed suicide on Friday evening.

According to the family, Eva was reported missing shortly before NJ State Police found the girl fatally injured after she jumped from the Nutley bridge that overlooks The Garden State Parkway's southbound lanes near mile post 151.5 where she was then struck by a vehicle.

**CLICK ORIGINAL STORY: [Teen Girl Dies After Fall From Nutley Bridge onto Garden State Parkway](**

Family members released this statement to RLS Metro Breaking News this morning at around 7:30 a.m.:

> To anyone who told Eva that she was special, or kind, or beautiful, and to anyone who spent time with her and encouraged her to be the best of who she was, we want to THANK YOU. We want to reach out to parents who have gone through this, and kids and adults who are presently going through this to let you know that we stand with you and love you very much. We want to thank everyone who have reached out with kind words of support. We miss our Eva very much.

Information requests from the Bloomfield School district was not immediately returned but the district's Facebook page stated that counselors will be available for students and staff who need it at the high school today.

The family are planning funeral arrangement for Eva and will announce at a later date.

> We plan on doing something for my daughter and anyone else out there that is going through the hell that is depression is causing on the lives of all.

Family members concluded.

Our staff sends condolences to Eva's family, her friends, and the entire city of Bloomfield.