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UPDATE: Newark Man Placed in Recovery Court Following Robbery Conviction

Mays Landing

By: Najla Alexander 

Authorities in Atlantic County announced that in May of 2024, following a guilty verdict at trial of second-degree robbery, third-degree aggravated assault, third-degree theft by unlawful taking, third-degree possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose, and fourth-degree unlawful possession of a weapon, defendant Robert Reed, 51, of Newark, was not sentenced accordingly to prison sentencing in this matter was initially set for July 18, 2024.


According to ACPO officials, on September 12, 2024, the defense counsel for the defendant applied the defendant to Recovery Court over the State’s objection.

Recovery Court is a court-run program aimed at rehabilitating nonviolent offenders with substance abuse issues, County officials say. The program releases a defendant to the community with a mandatory treatment plan, and success in the program can expunge a person’s record.

Atlantic County officials said the State filed applicable motions, including motions to bar his application based on the defendant’s clear danger to the community.

The testimony and evidence at trial revealed that on March 3, 2023, the victim, D.H., traveled down to the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino to gamble, Atlantic County authorities said. The defendant was present at the table when the victim won $20,000.00 on a hand of poker; the defendant befriended the victim.

The following morning, March 4, 2023, the victim checked out of his hotel and came into contact with the defendant. The defendant told the victim he missed his bus and asked for a ride to the bus station, Atlantic County officials said. 

The victim agreed to take him. While walking to the victim’s vehicle in the parking garage, the defendant struck the victim over the head with a glass wine bottle and robbed him of cash and other personal belongings, according to ACPO authorities. 

The victim received several severe head lacerations as a result of the assault, ACPO officials said. The defendant fled from the scene on foot, but Hard Rock security and surveillance were able to identify the defendant using his player’s card information.

ACPO officials stated that the State’s motion to bar the defendant from Recovery Court was denied by the Honorable Jeffrey Wilson, J.S.C., citing in his denial that “the instant charges alone do not appear to be reflective of any danger the defendant may pose to the community.”

The defendant was released into the community and entered the program in December 2024, County authorities said. 

Atlantic County officials said the Court did not order restitution for the theft, including the $10,000.00 stolen from the victim, and a restitution hearing was held on January 27.


The State sought restitution of $10,000 due to the pecuniary gain the defendant incurred from the theft against the defense's objection, County officials say. The Court ordered a significantly reduced restitution of $2,500.00 based on the Court’s decision that the defendant was unable to pay the full amount.