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UPDATE: Mysterious Death of Hundreds of Fish in Newark's Weequahic Park Lake Under Investigation



By: Richard L. Smith 

NJ environmental officials and the Essex County Health Department are currently investigating the sudden and alarming discovery of hundreds of dead fish in Weequahic Park's lake.

Last week, residents jogging around the lake were some of the first to stumble upon the unsettling sight prompting immediate action from health authorities.

According to a statement, RLS Media obtained from The Essex County Department of Community Health, on the morning of June 9, health officials promptly conducted tests to assess the oxygen levels in the lake, which indicated healthy levels.


No reports of water toxicity, which might have caused the demise of the fish, have been received or reported thus far.

While Essex County health officials have refrained from confirming any speculations, residents in Newark's South Ward have voiced their concerns, suggesting a potential link between the recent haze and smoke conditions and the fish mortality event.

The smoke condition in question occurred just a week before the discovery of the dead fish.

The investigation into the cause of the fish deaths remains ongoing, with environmental officials working diligently with Essex County officials. 

Weequahic Park, renowned for its scenic lake and lush greenery, has always been a treasured spot for locals, attracting visitors from all over.

The unexplained incident has left residents, particularly those living in the South Ward, anxiously awaiting answers.