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UPDATE: Mother of Missing East Orange Girl Arrested, Charged with Endangerment

East Orange

Acting Essex County Prosecutor Theodore N. Stephens, II, and East Orange Police Chief Phyllis Bindi have announced that authorities have charged Ms. Jamie A. Moore, 39, of East Orange with two counts of second degree Endangering the Welfare of a Child.

The Endangering charges include allegations of physical abuse and also neglect.


Moore was arrested earlier today by detectives from the Essex County Prosecutor’s Office Special Victims Unit and the East Orange Police Department.

She will be lodged in the Essex County Correctional Facility pending an appearance in the Essex County Central Judicial Processing (CJP) Court.

The defendant’s fourteen year old daughter and three year old son have been removed from her custody by the NJ Division of Child Protection and Permanency (DCPP).

Jashyah Moore, 14, was found last night at an undisclosed location in NYC and had reportedly cut her hair to conceal her identity after being missing for over four weeks 


The Essex County Prosecutor’s Office said Moore has since been retuned to NJ. 

According to police, Jashyah was last seen on October 14 at Poppie's Deli at 520 Central Avenue, not far from her home. 

The case remains under investigation.