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UPDATE: Fugitive from Manchester Accident Apprehended, Facing Charges

Manchester Township

Manchester Police announce that they have apprehended the suspect that caused a three-car crash on Saturday evening.

According to police, at approximately 5:18 p.m. on Sunday evening, Manchester Police Department received a call from Manchester EMS, who stated that they saw a male fitting the suspect's description, Roy Deronde. 

Police said that they reported he was in the area near their headquarters and further observed him crossover Colonial Drive and jump the fence into Leisure Village West community. 

Officials said that a short time later, Manchester Police Dispatch received additional phone calls from several residents within the Leisure Village West Community reporting that a male fitting Deronde's description was knocking on their doors and asking them to call a taxi. 

According to officials, Manchester Police arrived on the scene and determined that Deronde appeared to be confined to an area between Huntington Drive, State Highway #37 West, Colonial Drive, and Buckingham Drive. 

According to police, a perimeter was established using all available manpower. The NJSP Aviation Unit and Manchester Drone units were unable to fly due to the weather conditions. 

Police stated that Patrol tracked several sets of footprints in the snow while additional resources were mobilized. The Ocean County Sheriff's Department dispatched K-9 units as well as most of their Criminal Investigative Units to the area as well. 

Police officials said that the Toms River Police Department provided additional support units to assist with securing the perimeter as well. 

Further information was developed that Deronde had obtained a ride from within the Leisure Village West Community and was transported to the area of Leisure Village East, in Lakewood. 

According to police, Officers developed further leads as to Deronde's whereabouts in conjunction with where he was dropped off. Manchester Police, Ocean County Sheriff's Officers, and Lakewood Police responded to the Leisure Village East Community. 

A short time later, Deronde was apprehended at his residence and placed into custody without incident. 

According to police, Deronde was lodged in Ocean County Jail on charges of Assault by Auto, Eluding, Leaving the Scene of a crash resulting in injury, Hindering Apprehension and Obstruction of Justice.