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UPDATE: Firefighter Suffers Minor Injury Battling Burger King Fire in Maplewood


Fire officials in Maplewood are investigating the cause of a fire that sparked inside a restaurant in the Township on Saturday morning.

According to a statement released by Maplewood Fire Chief Michael Dingelstedt, at approximately 9:03 a.m. Maplewood Firefighters responded for a full assignment to 1833 Springfield Ave (Burger King) for a reported structure fire.

Chief Dingelstedt said Engine 32 was first on the scene and reported heavy smoke pushing from the roof and immediately requested a second alarm.

Firefighters stretched a line into the smoke-filled building and reported fire in the ceiling with possible extension to the roof according to Chief Dingelstedt.

Crews stretched a backup line into the building as Tower Ladder 31 personnel began laddering the roof to check for extension while Irvington Ladder 41 conducted a primary search which was negative and assisted suppression crews on the interior.

Chief Dingelstedt said South Orange and Millburn Fire Departments were also on the scene assisting with extinguishment and overhaul.

"Due to an aggressive interior attack by firefighters, the bulk of the fire was knocked down quickly and the extensive overhaul was performed" according to Chief Dingelstedt.

The main body of fire was in the ductwork above a broiler and extended into the void space between a drop ceiling and metal roof decking. The fire appears to have started in the ductwork and the cause remains under investigation at this time.

South Orange Rescue Squad transported one Maplewood firefighter experiencing a medical issue to Saint Barnabas Medical Center, where he was treated and released a short time later according to Chief Dingelstedt.

Representatives from the Maplewood Health and Building Departments were on the scene to assess the damage and advise the business owners.

Chief Dingelstedt said West Orange, Union and East Orange fire departments provided coverage in Maplewood.