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United Way of Greater Newark Announces Personal Finance Fair


By: Yuritza Arroyo

United Way of Greater Newark and The Newark Asset Building Coalition (NABC) will host a Personal Finance Fair on Saturday, May 20, from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. in collaboration with Science Park High School, 260 Norfolk Street, Newark.


According to officials, the free event is open to the public and will feature financial tips from local community-based organizations, financial institutions, and other non-profit partners.

Twenty participants will win a $25 Amazon Gift card during the raffle. Free lunch will also be provided to all in attendance, and additional prizes, giveaways, and raffles throughout the three-hour event.

"Personal Finance plays a crucial role in setting individuals up for financial stability and success," United Way of Greater Newark President & CEO Catherine Wilson said.

"This Personal Finance Fair will allow our community members to hear from experts about a variety of topics and programs tailored specifically to the greater Newark community that can benefit them and their families."

This unique event will feature breakout rooms where attendees can learn about specific topics, including the Benefits of Credit Unions and Referrals, Foreclosure Assistance, Financial Mindfulness and Goal Setting for Postsecondary Education, Free Tax Preparation, Paying for College:

Financial Aid Workshop, The First Time Home Owners Mortgage Assistance Program, the High Cost of a Low Credit Score, and an Introduction to Credit.

There will be four 20-30 minute breakout sessions throughout the day, allowing individuals to pick and learn about four separate topics.

PNC will provide their Credit session in Spanish.

In addition to the breakout sessions, there will be an hour dedicated to networking over lunch with each of the 10+ partners in attendance, making themselves available to answer any personal finance questions and offer their services.


The lunch-and-learn setting will provide attendees with the opportunity to talk one-on-one with a dedicated personal finance expert.

“Continuously working towards improving your personal finances is key to meeting your hopes and dreams,” said Melissa Prashad, a Community Manager for Chase.

“Our financial decisions help us prepare for life’s unexpected moments, achieve our long-term goals, and create generational wealth. The key to achieving financial health is building better money habits and sticking to your goals, which can help turn your financial dreams into a reality.”

"United Community Corporation is pleased to partner with the United Way of Greater Newark and partners of the Newark Asset Building Coalition by bringing financial literacy to the neighborhoods we all serve,” UCC’s HUD-Certified Housing Counselor Damon Redmond said.

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is a success. Great teamwork is the only way we create positive change in the lives of the people we serve in our community."
