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Union Police Report Increase in Check Stolen from Mail

Union Township (Union)

The Union Police want to notify the public that they have noticed an increase in the number of checks being reported as stolen after being mailed at various locations in town.

Police are reporting that the thefts started last year and that they have been working with Federal Postal Inspectors to solve these crimes.

Additionally, Union Police learned that the mail thefts are not just limited to Union and are occurring in other jurisdictions as well.

According to police, what will happen is a check that is sent to a utility company is stolen, the ink is removed and the altered check is cashed at various locations in Essex County or in New York City.

Union Police recommend that people stop using traditional ballpoint pens to write checks, as the ink in these pens is removable with certain solvents.

They instead recommend that checks be written using a pen with ink that is solvent resistant or a gel pen because that ink will stain the paper, making it more difficult to remove.

Union Police also state that the other option to avoid being a victim of this type of theft is to pay bills electronically and not send checks by mail.