John Zack, 39, of Bloomfield and Karima Spates, 44, of Newark are contestants on a new reality show called The Great Grass Race, where contestants race across the US on Lawnmowers.
John Zack and Karima Spates will be two of 12 participants who will embark on a journey that will take them 3,000 miles across the US, with no food, no money and no gas. Contestants will have to "trade or persuade people they meet along the way to help them" reach their goal.
John Zack is a film aficionado from Bloomfield who entered this contest to “get completely out of [his] comfort zone.”
Karima Spades is a hairdresser and pre-law student from Newark who's competitive and driven nature made her the perfect contestant for his unusual show.
The race will begin on July 10 in Los Angeles and at its conclusion, be available on platforms like Amazon, Google Play and the Apple App Store. The show will also be streaming on a new streaming service called Menace Vision.