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Tractor Trailer Crashes on NJ-21 in Newark


Police in Newark reported no severe injuries in a truck crash on a busy roadway that passes through the city Friday evening. 

According to police, at approximately 6 p.m., the driver of an 18-wheel tractor-trailer somehow lost control of the truck, briefly traveled on the sidewalk, then took out several trees before coming to rest on a building near the intersection of Elm Street and NJ-21. 

Police say the truck driver managed to escape without severe injury and no one was walking on the sidewalk when the truck veered out of control. 

According to police, the incident is miraculous and could have caused serious injuries had the truck entered the intersection.

Police say the crash caused some traffic delays in the southbound lanes of NJ-21 for about an hour as tow truck operators removed the truck from the scene. 

The incidents under investigation.