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“A Time to Give More Than We Receive”

New Jersey

Did you know that today is the 335th day of 2021 and that only 30 days remain this year?

The year seems to have taken wings. Pun intended!

Did you also know that it is a time to be even more giving than we have in the past, especially since the end of the year is so close, especially since we are in this season of COVID, and now OMICRON?

To that point, our RLS’ Media team took to the streets on Saturday to give back by recognizing Small Business Saturday. Our give back to the community included supporting two small businesses in the area.


Our first stop was Kissed by Q Hair Bar, 135 Central Avenue, East Orange, NJ. Interesting fact: This used to be called The Blue Building. It’s actually the Professional Building.

The hair salon owner, Ms. Quamar Dortch, was excited to receive us and we were excited to visit with her. While there, we were able to witness Ms. Dortch in action as she groomed one customer’s hair and shared with us some of the products she uses for healthy hair. 

Our second stop was at Café Moso, at 307 Orange Road in Montclair, NJ, where we interviewed Ms. Zina Floyd, who fed us well with a variety of delicious items from their menu.

The interview was rich and the food was filling. Catch each of these interviews on our RLS Metro Breaking News Facebook page.

But my thoughts of giving didn’t stop there. In fact, in this season of giving, consider the following gifts that make a severe impact on the lives of others.


Here are ten ideas for consideration:

  1. Donate to a favorite charity or non-profit organization. If giving to charities or non-profits has never been on your agenda, perhaps it might be a consideration for this time of year when so many need so much.
  2. Put in some service hours at a homeless shelter. One to check out is Isaiah House, located at 238 N. Munn Ave., East Orange, NJ.
  3. Do a 5k for a good cause.
  4. Volunteer to do some much-needed work at a senior citizen home.
  5. Purchase dinner or as much food as you can afford for a family in need.
  6. Share some of your Christmas gifts with an orphanage or homeless shelter.
  7. Participate in a fundraiser that promises to help the most vulnerable people in our community.
  8. Challenge yourself to give up something for which you pay. Decide how long you will give this up, then save the money it would have cost and donate it to a cause.
  9. Give away old but good condition clothing to the Salvation Army.
  10. Provide coloring books or schedule some time to read to sick children in a hospital.


  1. On a personal level, consider promoting the idea of making a special gift for each other rather than purchasing one among your family members. Then share them among yourselves. The gifts will be unique, personal, and fun. They save money and will be treasured for years. You also get an opportunity to show off your creativity.
  2. Handmade gifts can also become a family or unique group project in which a select number of family or group members participate. Each gift should be beautifully packaged and presented to a family or a shelter for those who won’t have anything or very little during this season of giving.

Until next time, keep flying on your own wings.