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Three Elizabeth Schools Among 26 Schools to be Recognized as 2019 Schools of Character


Jerome Dunn Academy of Mathematics, Technology, and the Arts School No. 9, Dr. Albert Einstein Academy School No. 29, and Frances C. Smith Early Childhood Center School No. 50 were among 26 schools to be recognized as a 2019 New Jersey School of Character by the New Jersey Alliance for Social, Emotional and Character Development.

Each year, ‪‬ and its state affiliates select schools and districts that demonstrate a dedicated focus on character development which has a true positive impact on academic achievement, student behavior, and school climate.

John E. Dwyer Technology was also recognized by the NJASECD, being selected as a New Jersey Honorable Mention School of Character.

The four schools will be honored in a recognition ceremony to start the 2019 NJASECD Conference at Rider University on May 31st, along with 87 schools selected nationally as state schools of character.

The 26 schools selected as 2019 New Jersey Schools of Character have been forwarded to, a national character education advocate, and are in the national evaluation process for consideration to be 2019 National Schools of Character.

Elizabeth Public Schools can now claim seven district schools that have been designated as state schools of character, which include past recipients Terence C. Reilly School No. 7 (2018); Nicholas S. La Corte-Peterstown School No. 3 (2016); Juan Pablo Duarte – José Julián Martí School No. 28 (2015), which was also named a National School of Character; and Donald Stewart Center for Early Childhood School No. 51 (2016).

School Nos. 9, 29, and 50 will retain the NJ School of Character status for a period of three years, through 2021.

“Elizabeth Public Schools places an emphasis on social emotional learning as it helps create safe, caring environments in which our students can excel,” said Elizabeth Public Schools Superintendent Olga Hugelmeyer. “Our four schools recognized by the NJASECD have proven to be exceptional in building character and creating a positive culture in their learning community and I am very proud of their efforts.”

“This recognition by the NJASECD shows that our students not only can perform at high levels academically, but also that they are of high character,” said Elizabeth Board of Education Stephanie Goncalves. “Both of those traits will serve them well as we continue to prepare them for college and career opportunities.”