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Three Brothers Paint & Chill: A Fun and Local Business with Amazing Holiday Deals!

Woodbridge Township

By: Najla Alexander

At RLS Media, we want to wish all our friends and family a Happy Thanksgiving Day! It's Najla again, with holiday deals in your local communities.

AdIT'S TIME! It's the holiday season again, folks, and you know what that means? Colder days, longer nights, sweater weather, and shopping! Yes, shopping for your loved ones, friends, family, and yourself.

Now, only some people like to shop at big name-brand stores all the time to shop for the season. At the same time, some take the time to give back to their community by supporting the small businesses that thrive there.

Why not feel more connected to your community during the holidays and support one another?

Paint The season is about being there for your loved ones, supporting your community and local businesses, etc. Not just for saving money, but giving a chance to connect to someone new within your community during a time when people should be brought together, not separated, has a certain magic to it.

At least, that's how I felt speaking to this amazing person about their business and why they love what they do so much.

Carteret and its surrounding cities in Middlesex County are filled with small local businesses waiting for you to stop in.

As a new resident trying to find my footing here, it's incredible to see how close the people are with each other.

I enjoyed talking to Ebony Braswell about her family-oriented business, 'Three Brothers Paint and Chill.' This family-owned business is located at 120 Main Street, Woodbridge, where creativity and relaxation come to life!

Here, they can host various paint events for ages five and up.

The beauty of this establishment is every adult party gets a complimentary glass of wine. You can paint while sipping wine, paint and sing, or even attend a dinner party.

'Three Brothers Paint & Chill' is also an event space. Whether you choose to paint or not, this space is welcome for everyone to use, but the one rule is to leave your worries at the door, which is the 'Three Brothers Paint and Chill' motto.


'Three Brothers Paint and Chill' came to be during the pandemic when Ebony noticed a change in her family, specifically her children. Her family is very community-orientated in participating in anything involving the community or bringing people together in Woodbridge Township.

The change, like many other households faced during this time, was depression due to being isolated from society to stay healthy. Still, in doing so, she and her family missed out on feeling a human connection with others, she told RLS Media.

"I asked my son, who is very artsy, do you want to open up a 'safe haven?' I wanted him and his friends to come here to get away and make this place their second home," Ebony stated.

"After a while, my son didn't want it, and I took over and made a Paint 'n Sip event space! Which is how the name came about; it's named after my three sons!" 

While creating a home away from home for her family and friends to enjoy during such an isolating time, she made 'Three Brother Paint and Chill.'

A community that is not just a business but a community space where you can relax and enjoy life for a moment. 

"Painting is a sign of relief; it's relaxing and healing, which is exactly what I want to bring into this business," Ebony told RLS Media officials.

Flyer'Three Brothers Paint and Chill' offers different events every year for the holidays, along with discounts all year round, including discounts that start NOW:

-All Holiday Parties are 20% off with 16 or more people!

-All Educators are 20% off on November 24th and every Thursday in December!

-Every Wednesday, there is a Toy Drive where you will be entered into a Raffle every time you donate!

-Make Your Own Homemade Candles with LizMarck Candles & More LLC on December 10th at 4 p.m., $35 per person with candle-making supplies to use. You can take home a 7oz. Glass jar!

This holiday season, they are even offering a murder mystery dinner party with prizes for best COSTUME, ACTOR, and DETECTIVE! Reservations are now open for booking!

To contact Ebony Braswell here at 'Three Brothers Paint and Chill,' you can call this number: (973)-444-9933 or email at for any questions or concerns. Follow them on Facebook at Three Brothers Paint and Chill or Instagram @3brotherspaintandchill.

If you want to find an outlet for your stress this holiday season or think someone you love does, check out 'Three Brothers Paint and Chill,' where you can let your mind be at ease when stepping right into the door and relax!

Whether by the simple act of painting or just being with your loved ones, to forget the world around you.


Hearing the stories of these fantastic individuals has and will make the holiday season more memorable and worthwhile because it means I am finally starting to feel like I belong to this community since moving here.

I discovered 'Three Brothers Paint and Chill' when my family used them to book a paint-and-sip party for my Mom's birthday party, and they were so amazing and generous with everything.

The artist catered to our music taste, made us laugh, and ensured everybody was having a good time and was proud of their painting!

Ebony ensured you had anything you could want for your party, always giving discounts and keeping their promise of a complimentary bottle of wine with every event!AdIt was such a fantastic night where you could forget about worries for a day, and I will definitely be going back!

I am proud that I am starting to feel like I belong in this community because, during hard times, it's great to feel welcome and be a part of a community that makes you feel loved during this season.

Check 'Three Brothers Paint and Chill' out soon with these fantastic deals; you'll be glad you did!

Happy Holidays, RLS Media friends and family. Remember to support your small local businesses this year, and don't forget to bundle up and stay warm!