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SUPER BOWL CHAMPS: 3 Chief Marriedpreneur Lessons From The Kansas City Chiefs

New Jersey

By: Sway & O.L. Buckley/Richard L. Smith 

Kansas City Chiefs drafted Willie Lanier, the first black middle linebacker to play in the NFL, in 1967.

Today, the Chiefs are celebrating yet another win, that of the Super Bowl Championship. As married entrepreneurs, it's a great practice to borrow lessons from seemingly unrelated areas because success always leaves clues. We usually don't have to look too closely to find them. 

So, here are the top 3 lessons married couples in business can glean from this Sunday's Super Bowl Kansas City win and apply them right away. 

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  1. Play to your strengths: It's easy to say that fourth Quarter defense came through for the victory. The truth is, every team member had a specific role to play in order to win, likewise on this marriedpreneur journey. Each spouse must be clear on specific wealth roles. Even if you're not both in the business, together-you're still building a legacy together. Clarify and implement your wealth roles. We can help. Just click the picture below.


  1. It's better to have great coaching with average skill than great skill with average coaching. It wasn't the skill alone that gave the Chiefs the edge. At the end of the day, Philly got out-coached. As a marriedpreneur couple, if you don't have a team of advisors to strategize and hold you accountable to your vision, you're likely not winning where it matters most. The right coaches will collapse your learning time. 

    We can help. Click the picture below to learn how.

  1. Get comfortable being uncomfortable. Quarterback Patrick Mahomes led the team with a high sprain injury, which worsened as the game continued. He was quoted saying, "Nothing was going to keep me off this football field." That level of showmanship proved his leadership and commitment to his teammates.         As marriedpreneurs, we need to come with that same energy to work the vision God has placed in our hearts, knowing that there will be discomfort as a part of the journey. But focusing on the main right thing/ tasks daily requires systems that hold you accountable. Start here with our free Marriedpreneur Operating Systems Checklist:

A successful marriedpreneur journey requires unique tools and systems that do the heavy lifting, so you don't have to.

It's possible to run a thriving business and have a phenomenal marriage when you have a laser-clear vision and a high-level strategy to execute that vision. Need help?

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Applying these Chief lessons will not only strengthen the home front but our local communities too- for us, that impact can spread throughout our resident State of New Jersey and beyond. It’s a win/win.


NOTE: O.L. & Sway Buckley are the founders of Marriedpreneur Life, equipping faith-based marriedpreneur couples with high-level systems to streamline and scale business without strain. Take a listen to the Marriedpreneur Life podcast at