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Somerset Police Vehicles Go Pink this October in Support of Breast Cancer Awareness


Somerset County Police officials announced that five police vehicles had been wrapped in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. 

Officials say Robert Wood Johnson Barnabas Health Somerset Steeplechase Cancer Center, Peapack-Gladstone Bank, and the Far Hills Race Meeting Association funded the wrapping of the “pink” police vehicles.

These five vehicles will be utilized for community engagement throughout Somerset County during October.

The law enforcement agencies participating in this awareness campaign are the Somerset County Prosecutor’s Office, Somerset County Sheriff’s Office, Far Hills Police Department, Branchburg Township Police Department, and Warren Township Police Department.

Prosecutor McDonald stated, “Breast Cancer does not recognize racial, socio-economic or jurisdictional boundaries. About 1 in 8 women will be affected by breast cancer in their lifetime. Early detection is a key factor in offering more treatment options and increasing survivability. Law enforcement is in a unique position to help increase awareness of this horrible disease. This campaign is proof positive that our officers are deeply dedicated to the communities they serve.”  

A ceremony to introduce the “pink” police vehicles is being held on Friday, September 30 at 10:00 a.m. outside the Somerset County Historic Courthouse in Somerville.

“I am so grateful to the Prosecutor’s Office and Somerset County law enforcement for once again wrapping their cars in pink to raise awareness of breast cancer,” said Somerset County Director Shanel Y. Robinson.

“This annual effort saves lives by encouraging women to get their health screenings and detect early cases of breast cancer.” 

The vehicles will be available within their respective jurisdictions for the public to sign and take photographs. 

Additionally, the five vehicles are equipped with a QR scan code outside of the car for anyone interested in scheduling a mammogram appointment through RWJ Barnabas Health.

Attending Friday’s “pink” police vehicle event are members of the five participating law enforcement agencies, the Somerset County Board of County Commissioners, respective Township Committee members, the Far Hills Race Meeting organizers, representatives from RWJ Barnabas Health, Peapack-Gladstone Bank, and elected officials.