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Solar Eclipse Viewing at Trailside Nature and Science Center in Mountainside


Residents looking for a good place to observe the Solar Eclipse on August 21st are invited to do so at Trailside Nature & Science Center in Mountainside.

The Trailside which is located at 452 New Providence Road in Mountainside, will be hosting the viewing event from 12 to 3 p.m.

An eclipse happens as the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun as seen from our location on the surface of the earth. When this happens, the Moon blocks the light of the Sun from reaching Earth. This will be the first eclipse to cross the entire continental United States in almost a century.

Members of the Amateur Astronomers, Inc. will be on hand for the viewing. The organization was founded in 1949 to promote an interest in the science of astronomy through activities and programs.

Looking directly at the sun is dangerous, so those planning to observe the solar eclipse should obtain a pair of solar viewing glasses before viewing. Those in attendance should also bring along a chair or a blanket to partake in what will be one of the greatest astronomical moments in our lifetime. Here in New Jersey the eclipse will reach about 77 percent.

In case of inclement weather on the day of the eclipse you may call Trailside at (908) 789-3670.