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Several carjacked vehicles still not located by police


An alleged Carjacking spree in the city that stretches back to about two weeks has police baffled to where these vehicles may have gone. Police announced a little earlier that none of the listed vehicles that were carjacked has been located at this time. Here are a list of  some of the vehicles that were reportedly carjacked in the city:

2013 Black Land Rover NJ Reg. G90-***

​2007 BMW 328i NJ Reg. H35-***

2004 BMW NJ Reg. E47-***

2007 BMW NJ Reg. C26-***

​2012 Chevy Traverse SC Reg. HUV-***

2014 BMW X6 NJ Reg. FS5-***

​2013 Porsche Cheyenne NJ Reg. Y90-***

Please call Newark Police if you have information on any of these vehicles.