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Settlement Reached With NJ Transit to Ensure Equal Access for People With Disabilities in NJ Rail Stations

New Jersey


The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of New Jersey has reached a settlement with New Jersey Transit Corporation (NJ Transit) to resolve findings that its intercity rail stations are not accessible to individuals with disabilities, according to federal officials.

“This Office is committed to ending unlawful barriers to inclusion and equality in our society,” U.S. Attorney Sellinger said.

“For too long, people with disabilities have been deprived of equal access to intercity rail stations operated by NJ Transit.

In ways large and small, people with disabilities were denied full access to transportation services.

Whether it was the lack of access to restrooms, no signs, bad ramps, poor access to elevators, or that parking spaces were too small for those who needed wheelchair access.

Through this resolution, we are holding NJ Transit to its obligation to provide accessible transportation services to all.

To their credit, NJ Transit has swiftly recognized these deficiencies and already begun to bring its intercity rail stations into compliance with the ADA.”

According to federal officials, under the agreement, New Jersey Transit has committed to making five intercity rail stations – Newark Penn, Princeton Junction, MetroPark, Trenton, and New Brunswick – accessible to individuals with disabilities.

Federal officials said, New Jersey Transit must modify multiple portions of the rail stations and their access points, including physical modifications to various platforms, waiting areas, parking lots, and restrooms.