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Rutgers Newark Police Issue Alert on Strong Armed Robbery Reports


In a release sent out to the campus authorities said,

The Rutgers University Police Department (RUPD) has three incidents of robbery to report, each of which occurred off-campus on Wednesday, December 9, 2015.

In the first incident, RUPD is investigating a robbery which was reported to have occurred at approximately 5:55 PM. The incident occurred in the near the intersection of University Avenue and Central Avenue, Newark, NJ in the vicinity of the University Square Residence Hall.

In this incident, the victim, who is unaffiliated, stated that while walking northbound on University Avenue near the bus stop at Central Avenue, he was approached by two unknown assailants.

The victim was threatened and complied with a demand for property, after which the assailants fled north on University Avenue. No weapons were displayed and the victim was not physically injured as a result of the incident.

The description of the assailants is as follows: (1) black male, approximately 20 years of age, short hair, wearing a blue hooded sweatshirt and tan khaki-style pants; (2) black male, approximately 20 years of age, short hair, and wearing a red hooded sweatshirt and tan khaki-style pants.

In the second incident, RUPD is investigating a robbery which was reported to have occurred at approximately 6:50 PM. This incident occurred on University Avenue near the intersection with James Street, Newark, NJ.

In this incident, the victim, who is affiliated, reported that while sitting on the front steps of a residence on University Avenue, he was approached by two unknown assailants, one of whom displayed a black handgun and made a demand for property.

The assailants fled north on University Avenue after taking possession of the victim’s personal property. The victim was not physically injured as a result of the incident

The description of the assailants is limited at this time.

RUPD was also notified of a third robbery incident, which is being investigated by the New Jersey Transit Police Department, which was reported to have at approximately 7:30 PM.

This incident occurred at the Newark Light Trail train station located at the intersection of Broad Street and Washington Street.

In this incident, the victim, who is unaffiliated, reported to NJ Transit PD that he was approached by three unknown assailants.

The victim stated that he was threatened and complied with a demand for personal property at which time the assailants fled the area southbound on Broad Street after taking possession of his personal property.

No weapons were displayed in this incident and the victim was not physically injured as a result of the incident.

The description of the two of the assailants is limited at this time, but one assailant is described as follows: (1) black male, wearing a red hooded sweatshirt and tan khaki-style pants;

Anyone with information regarding these incidents or who may have been in the area at the time is asked to contact the Rutgers Police Department at (973) 353-5581 (24x7), or a detective from the RUPD Investigations Unit at (973) 972-6394.

The Rutgers University Police Department reminds you that you can reduce your chances of being a victim of a crime by taking reasonable precautions:

- Remain alert and aware of people and circumstances around you.

- Walk in groups when possible.

- Immediately report suspicious activity to local law enforcement.